The Research Project
Contracts, technical standards and certification systems for the effective devolpment of sustainable economic relationships (SUTCOTECHCERT)
The current legal initiatives consist of an increasing number of mandatory rules to which contractual agreements and contractual standards need to adapt to.
Mandatory rules of law have been considered necessary following the persisting violation of human rights and environmental resources
Contractual instruments – contractual standards, collective sectorial agreements, technical standards, certification systems – are playing a fundamental role besides the legal rules, but need to adapt to the new legal framework in the process of being formed.
Over time certification systems have often appeared ineffective, insufficiently well-structured, and deficient in control processes.
Our project investigates the functioning of the principal certification systems in place in the manufacturing sector, with the purpose to ascertain and indicate improvement directions.
Research Objectives
The SUSTCOTECHCERT Project – financed by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano – aims at studying the current and future development of the legal framework structuring the progress towards sustainable business enterprises and economic activities by:
Analysing the adaptation of contract standards, technical rules, and certification systems to the evolving legal environment
Testing the effectiveness of some important certification systems in light of the sustainability objectives and highlighting potential improvement areas
Investigating the sustainability goals in the economic activities of the SMEs and family firms
Work Packages
Law, Regulations in progress
Contractual standards, collective agreements, technical standards, certification systems and their evolution and adaptation to a new legal environment
Empirical analysis on the impact of the certification systems on companies’ production processes, product design and development
Large Enterprises versus SMEs position in the achievement of sustainability goals.
Family firms and their attitude towards sustainability practices
Key Deliverables
Academic Journals Papers, Conference Papers, Edited Book(s)